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Debbie Made Over by chalxxx Rated: Adult starstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 0]

Debbie transformed, from a simple college student, into a much more interesting and popular female 

Categories: BM/WF Characters: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 4441 Read Count: 3639
Published: 09/09/11 Updated: 09/09/11 [Report This]


He wakes up in a white room, confused, disoriented, without any memory of his past, but by no means alone. He is greeted by a mysterious and incredibly voluptuous female doctor. she laughs, checks his vitals, tells him to lay back on the bed...and then locks the room door...


Categories: BM/WF Characters: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 13668 Read Count: 11330
Published: 05/10/11 Updated: 06/09/11 [Report This]

Detective Xiao Kazuke Want to Take down the Order and there underhanded ways of using Girls as sex objects




Categories: Group sex, BM/WF Characters: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 9517 Read Count: 18544
Published: 08/01/13 Updated: 08/09/13 [Report This]