Title: Prelude Reviewer: mjax Anonymous

Cool how you made it relate to the Hunt illustrations a little thick with the courtroom blowjob and bathroom antics that should have been sex shop but hey trying to tie the illustrations together is a task we need Freaks & Giants story!! Good job

Date: 08/07/13 08:50 pm [Report This]
Title: Epilogue Reviewer: blackdick9inch Anonymous

good story....your right about making the sex scenes hotter...u dont always have to increase the size of the dicks. Just put some thought into the sex. Write another story...do a story about the Plantation women or Nurse Swallows or even the Busty coxville cop. Enjoy the story alot. 

Date: 08/24/11 06:49 am [Report This]
Title: Part One Reviewer: Kuffsnkeys Anonymous

Great job.  I love your writing style and the flow of the story.  Please continue...

Date: 06/19/11 02:28 am [Report This]

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