Title: Prologue: The Game's Afoot...Long Reviewer: Anon Anonymous

Very well written and lots of fun. Love the light humor and the focus on everyone enjoying themselves, and the fact that there are actual characters.

Hoping for more Daphne!

Date: 04/25/17 03:23 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter VI: The Coxville Book Club Meeting II (Finale Cont) Reviewer: JSun Anonymous

Awesome so far man!  Keep up the awesome work :)  Really hope both scenes combine into one massive orgy dude.  Would be super hot

Date: 04/21/17 05:20 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter IV: The Peculiar Case of Mr. Brooks - Anya's Story (cont) Reviewer: Darklord Signed

Possibly the best update yet, and that's saying A LOT.  First, I don't know how you can keep describing sex with the same two people without getting at least a little repetitive or lose some interest, but you sure as hell haven't lost any of MY interest.  It just keeps getting better!

Second, the way you describe sex with Anya vs. Brooks is poetic.  I really like how you describe Brooks' cock and don't just say it's "X" inches, now it's "X+1" inches, etc. It's also an erotic mystery why it keeps growing.  I have my own ideas, but it keeps my reading to find out the reason.

Thirdly, again the way you describe the sex is so visceral, realistic, and compelling. I keep thinking you've reached a pinnacle and then you surpass it again and again.

Amazing writing, excellent job, can't wait for more!  Thank you again for such a great story!

Date: 10/01/13 10:05 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter IV: The Peculiar Case of Mr. Brooks - Anya's Story (Cont) Reviewer: Darklord Signed

Skillfully crafted and with so many new characters and plot lines going on I am glad you're taking the time to add so much detail because otherwise it wouldn't be as impactful when you do the reveals.

So many wonderful ladies here and all are exquisitely described.  I can't wait to read more!


Date: 04/27/13 03:35 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter III: Heavy Tutelage - Bianca's Story (Conc) Reviewer: Darklord Anonymous

Great stuff!  I really enjoyed the Sammy story and now I think you've topped that with the Bianca story.  It keeps getting better and I can't wait to read more! Thank you so much for writing this epic storyline.


Date: 08/17/12 08:39 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter III: Heavy Tutelage - Bianca's Story (Conc) Reviewer: stephen Anonymous

can't wait for sex ed lessons

Date: 08/15/12 12:54 pm [Report This]
Title: Prologue: The Game's Afoot...Long Reviewer: LunaticDog Anonymous

John, you are doing an excellent job.  I love the way you let the scenes build to the sex.  Awesome work, keep it coming.

Date: 08/13/12 12:48 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter III: Heavy Tutelage - Bianca's Story (Cont) Reviewer: stephen Anonymous

top notch can't wait for the next part

Date: 08/06/12 11:33 pm [Report This]
Title: Prologue: The Game's Afoot...Long Reviewer: Good story Anonymous

<p>It's a good story but would make a much better comic series, or motion comic movie. Even though it's a really good premise, it gets overly descriptive at points and could be advanced a little further along. It's just alot faster and time efficient to type it than drawing it. So it's a good story and would like to see more. More of a review of the whole story so far, not just this chapter</p>

Date: 07/30/12 07:29 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter II (Cont) : Pushing Deep - Sammy’s Story Reviewer: lisab Anonymous

Hoping Dwayne is "pushing deep" into Sammy's pretty pink pussy sooner rather than later! Good story so far, keeping things interesting with a nice, slow build. 

Date: 02/28/12 04:43 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter II: Pushing Deep - Sammy’s Story Reviewer: lisab Anonymous

Sammy is the girl I've been most interested in from this story, and I'm hoping she's in for some hard action next chapter!Looking promising so far, good story with lots of hot characters to explore.

Date: 02/12/12 05:56 am [Report This]
Title: Prologue: The Game's Afoot...Long Reviewer: nils Anonymous

good stuff!

Date: 10/28/11 03:21 pm [Report This]

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