Title: Chapter 3 Reviewer: lisab Anonymous

Awesome start to what promises to be an incredible story featuring not 1 but 2 of CK's hottest characters! Take this story and run with it, guys, and hopefully DL will illustrate it into CK or into some pin-ups. If this is your first story George2k, great fucking start! Hope to see more soon.  

Author's Response:

ME and Locke are working on more to come guys.

thansk for reviewing this I so would like more people to talk about it the pros and the cons :) since I love my cathrin ...

She could be my favoret charcter ever I just love the raciset undertone she gives out being south african and moving to usa :)


Should have 1 more Story inc

Date: 12/27/11 12:47 am [Report This]

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