Title: 04 - The Horny Housewives Of Mysteria Lane 04 - Bree’s Story Reviewer: Subjectivity Anonymous

Whoah. That got dark.

Date: 11/15/16 03:48 am [Report This]
Title: 03 - The Horny Housewives Of Mysteria Lane 03 - Abbie's Story Reviewer: Subjectivity Anonymous

While I liked what little there was, the sex scenes were almost totally cut out of this one! Ah, and females are Latinas. Spanish words end in A for feminine, O for masculine. Latinos are guys.

Date: 11/15/16 03:15 am [Report This]
Title: 02 - The Horny Housewives Of Mysteria Lane 02 - Lea's Story part 2 Reviewer: Subjectivity Anonymous

I miss Jenny a little, but the domination here was great!

Date: 11/13/16 10:35 pm [Report This]
Title: 02 - The Horny Housewives Of Mysteria Lane 02 - Lea's Story part 1 Reviewer: Subjectivity Anonymous

Great ending! I love the oral stuff, and Alan and Brian talking dirty, calling them bitches and sluts. I was surprised BlackShaft didn't do any of that. They just grunted, but didn't talk much to their girls during sex, unfortunately.

Date: 11/13/16 10:10 pm [Report This]

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