Title: Blackshaft - 2-07 - Black Night - Epilogue Reviewer: Subjectivity Anonymous

Great finale! I love the speech going back and forth to scenes around the city. I'm glad the giant orgy finally stopped and things are settling into a new kind of normal. However, I was so disappointed to see we'd missed Corrine's recruitment! It seems like we missed so much sex, which is the best part! Maybe a flashback could cover it?

Date: 11/10/16 08:07 pm [Report This]
Title: Blackshaft - 2-07 - Black Night part 5 Reviewer: Subjectivity Anonymous

I'm glad you got back to some of the random side characters this time! That's become one of my favorite parts, quickly seeing one girl after another giving in, though I do like it best when they express at least a little hesitation. Makes it more satisfying when they give in. I was hoping to get a little more from some of them, so this was great! Also interesting developments with the former bad guys becoming anti-heroes.

Date: 11/10/16 05:09 am [Report This]
Title: Blackshaft - 2-04 - Proper Places part 02 Reviewer: Subjectivity Anonymous

I love Marcella! I've been loving all the black dominatrices, but she's the most sadistic one so far, I think. Those characters add variety but still fit right in. Great stuff!

Date: 11/04/16 01:08 am [Report This]

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