Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Abermain Signed

I must congratuate the poet made the story so much more interesting

Date: 03/10/24 05:10 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Abermain Signed

the author and the poet in him are making this story

Date: 03/01/24 08:14 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Please? Anonymous

Please don't give up on this story...it's just too incredible.  I've been hoping that since the holidays are rolling around, hopefully you'll come back to this amazing story with one or two more chapters!  Please do it!

Date: 12/02/13 01:25 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Iraddict Anonymous


PLEASE don't abandon this story. Or Exclusive. Or GBC. I'm going through withdrawls here. Your stories are the best I've ever read. I'm begging you to continue. If you quit, you have fans who are gonna' be devastated.

Date: 05/08/13 06:38 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: iraddict Anonymous

I could go on and on about how great this is, but I've found that everything you write is amazing. So instead I'm just gonna beg and plead for you to write more. I don't care what it is. New stories, continuations of your old stories, long stories, or short stories. I don't care. Just please, PLEASE keep writing...

Date: 01/15/13 07:48 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: George2k Anonymous

WOW All I can say is I WANT MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: 01/03/13 08:43 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Darklord Signed

Another masterpiece and probably the most elaborate erotic Christmas poem ever.  It has great imagination, clever writing, and erotic scenes that always leave me begging for more.  I can't wait to read more!


Date: 12/29/12 09:09 pm [Report This]

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