Title: Chapter 2 Reviewer: Asstro Anonymous

Strong begining, there are so many possibilities, but in keeping with the orginial idea, the curse has to spread out to the women of the community, but blasphamey, occultism, adultry, unmarried pregancies and cuclkoldry are right up your alley. So lets see you put the horns on god!

Date: 08/10/14 08:36 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 2 Reviewer: iraddict Anonymous

Excellent as always. I'm really psyched that you're moving into the Coxville Universe (at least somewhat). That whole storyline is just ripe with possibilities. A whole town full of super hot women, under the influence of a Voodo Curse. And speaking of Voodo curse, I'm really curious how that's going to square with Sister Nancy and the rest of the younger ladies of the Convent. From the impression I get, the curse is eventually going to lead to a cult, devoted to the worship of Damballah. Doesn't sound too compatable with Sister Nancy's faith. Maybe the women of the Convent could become disciples of the new cult somehow.

By far, the hottest thing to me about your stories is the corruption of innocence, and how the women, overcome with lust, inevitably end up turning their back on all the morals, values, and beliefs that they previously held sacred. IMO, this is the perfect story in which to explore that theme thoroughly. From a prim and proper nun, to a completely debauched slut who worships Damballah and, by extension, black cock. So very hot. I'd love to see her (and some of the other nuns) end up spreading "the word" and helping to convert more women to their new way of thinking.

Anyway, as usual, keep up the good work. And I can't wait to see the next installment of IR Education.

Date: 08/07/14 09:42 pm [Report This]

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