Title: PROLOGUE/TEASER (ROUGH DRAFT) Reviewer: graywolf Anonymous

I hope you continue with this story I really enjoyed this 1st part. Thanks

Date: 06/28/18 02:20 am [Report This]
Title: PROLOGUE/TEASER (ROUGH DRAFT) Reviewer: Subjectivity13 Anonymous

That was great! It almost sounded like The Rise and Fall of the Queen of Hearts by Stormbringer, phrased in the royal, dramatic way the Baron spoke. I've been eager to find more of that, but writing it myself never has the same effect. I eagerly await more of this! It's a unique direction of ancient imperial subjugation that is used much too rarely for my tastes. Please continue!

Date: 09/19/15 02:44 am [Report This]
Title: PROLOGUE/TEASER (ROUGH DRAFT) Reviewer: lisab Anonymous

Just a tearser but a very, very enticing one! Looking forward to more.

Date: 08/31/15 03:22 am [Report This]

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