Title: Chapter 20 - The Epilogue Reviewer: Abermain Signed

I liked it but it was a bit too long 

Date: 03/07/24 11:04 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Abermain Signed

so Corina is being primed for the black cock


Date: 03/07/24 07:19 am [Report This]
Title: Prologue Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

like it. Please we need more!

Date: 08/15/17 03:07 pm [Report This]
Title: Prologue Reviewer: Anon Anonymous

Haven't finished it, but I love all the characters and the time put into their thoughts! Perhaps its not what you want to do, but the only that could improve it would be more descriptions of the girls looks and attire.

Author's Response:

Thanks, I appreciate the comment and yes, it is a foible of mine that - because of a mental condition I have (seriously, not a joke) - I don't think in pictures. Therefore, when I write, I don't spend a lot of time describing things.

Also, I also kind of like the idea of each reader having their very own idea of what the characters look like. So feel free to fill in all the gaps yourself and have your very own Corina, Emily etc. :)

Date: 06/17/17 04:13 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 16 Reviewer: asstro Signed

Quite the build up! Glad you are bringing in the other storylines again, there is no need to rush into any one part, all the cumming and goings of the characters are really sexy! I can't wait to see what happens at the club or Orla's divorce process, and how Tandino, Rufus and Chloe will play out, and the party Vanessa will have when she decides to be impregnated might make a stand alone chapter! Feel free to go wherever the story takes you, your work never fails to impress! 

Date: 05/07/17 07:44 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 15 - Chloe Reviewer: asstro Signed

Another epic chapter, drawing out Chloe's turn to the darkside was amazing and it was very clever the way you brought Rufus down, he may still want to marry her yet! Also, thank you for using some of my suggestions, though, the narrative is all yours, it's nice to pretend I helped. And while the story is completely original, I can feel echos of Thickwill's Exclusive Interview! Thanks for another great chapter!

Date: 03/27/17 06:29 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 13 Reviewer: asstro Signed

Great chapter! The shout out to Thickwill was hilarious but if it gets him writing again then so much the better! I also loved the flash forward to Colin watching Corina corrupt their daughters. I can't wait for the next Chapter and Chloe's fall. 

Author's Response:

I kind of wish I hadn't made them so young... I'd love to go hard at the daughter corruption angle. Maybe Colin can just have some more dreams......

Date: 03/08/17 10:41 am [Report This]
Title: Prologue Reviewer: Gentlyhook Anonymous

Awesome writing! Thank you!!!  5 stars 

PLEASE continue.... 

Author's Response:

Thanks! I will be keeping this going for, hopefully, a good while longer!

Date: 09/28/16 09:13 am [Report This]

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