Reviews For Caught on Camera
Title: Chapter 9 Reviewer: HH88 Anonymous

Loved this: wish I could see my wife get railed by a giant cock that would dwarf my little Nazi pecker.

Date: 06/29/24 05:32 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 9 Reviewer: Tyreese Anonymous

Fake and gay, probably written by a guy with a honky dicklet himself

Date: 06/20/24 09:08 pm [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

lame and gay

Date: 06/20/24 05:04 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: anonymous Anonymous

fake and gay, probably written by a nazi

Date: 06/20/24 05:03 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 9 Reviewer: jimothy Anonymous

Too on the nose at the end. Also plot makes next to no sense and just gets into being torture porn.

Date: 06/16/24 02:56 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Amazing Anonymous

How did you create such a hot story without a single sustained sex scene? This is both a compliment and a criticism to your writing style! I am enthralled by the narritive and how we, your readers, are left in the same desperate condition as your embattled cuckold hero! But! We all know why we are here! We all know why we read these beautifully perverted tales! So, as we reach the tip of the corkscrew of your deviant drama, I implore you! Give us the nasty interracial muti-penetration, lesbian incest, cucky-crushing, slut-empowering super sex we all derserve for being such good obedient white boys!

Date: 07/28/18 02:22 am [Report This]
Title: Chapter 1 Reviewer: Anon Anonymous

Really enjoying this story, can't wait until the next chapter. Nice job with the build up!

Date: 07/19/18 05:37 am [Report This]

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